الخميس، 30 أبريل 2020

Dishwashers for Hygienically

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Dishwashers for Hygienically Safe Tableware"
LG TrueSteam-equipped dishwashers also harness the natural sanitary properties of steam, producing pure steam particles to completely clean and disinfect plates, utensils, glasses and cookware. LG’s premium dishwashers set a new standard for hygiene, eliminating 99.9 percent of dangerous bacteria4 and viruses5 including those commonly linked to food poisoning.

As the demand for more effective hygiene management grows, the market for home appliances that can help protect the health of loved ones will expand. LG’s state-of-the-art appliances represent a first-class defense against certain germs and bacteria, helping consumers and their families live safer, more hygienic lives.

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Dishwashers for Hygienically

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